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See survey results by going to last page of the survey for the link. We also compile an occasional summary here.
This is a project of AI Ethics Site, a research institute incubating at Pace University in New York City. What we are trying to do is get an informal sense of how people think about privacy in their own lives.
Privacy Investigator collects no information beyond the Yes/No responses. Everything is open access on this site. You have all the information we do.
Right now we are just getting answers to some questions. With time we hope to get better questions, and we will start asking for some quick demographic information – gender, age, geographic location – to try and build an online sense of where different privacy lines are getting drawn by diverse people in a variety of places.
We think this is important because 1) privacy is important and 2) distinct people seem to have divergent understandings of what the word means in lived experience. How distinct and how divergent? That’s what we’re hoping to begin to learn.
The Privacy Investigator was inpsired by the Moral Machine at MIT, here.
Contact: James Brusseau, jbrusseau at